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Flowerbulbs on the roof
Add colour to your roof garden!
Suitable for rooftop gardens
Lush rooftop gardens and roof terraces adorn more and more rooftops. Beautiful borders of perennials combined with waving ornamental grasses. Together with the supporting structure of trees, hedges and heaths, they form an attractive unit. Strategic eye-catchers are flower bulbs on the roof.Paths, lawns and terraces complete the picture. A green surprise that provides relief! Double land use allows the roof to be used to its full potential as a second ground level.
To use flower bulbs properly on the roof, it is important that the substrate has the right thickness. The thickness you need depends on the size of the bulbs you want to use. Therefore, it is easiest to use somewhat smaller bulbous plants such as crocuses, botanical tulips, muscari, irises, galanthus and anemone.

suitable bulbs
Type: Substrate thickness mm:
Allium sphaerocephalon 10
Crocus species 6
Chionodoxa luciliae 6
Galanthus nivalis 10
Iris reticulata 8
Puschkinia libanotica 6
Scilla siberica 8
Tulipa pulchella humilis 6
Tulipa turkestanica 8
Tulipa clusiana 6